Unreal Archives

Protecting the legacy of Na Pali. Forever.


Operation Na Pali

  • Release Date: 9 June, 2002
  • Author(s): Team Vortex
  • Number of maps: 36
  • Platform: Unreal Tournament
  • Website: N/A

Operation Na Pali, 8.9 out of 10 based on 49 ratings

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ONP is a massive single player project created by David Münnich lead Team Vortex. It was thought to be the last gasp of grand mapping projects at its time. Fortunately this speculation proved to be very wrong, as the UnrealSP community continues to release excellent projects ever since, but this massive, 36 map release is surely something to remember despite it’s shortcomings that are much more apparent with today’s more critical eyes.


You are a crew member of Vortex Rikers2, which will get a signal from the planet (Na Pali). The message came from 3 survivors of the old Vortex Rikers, the prisoner ship that crashed on the planet some months ago.
Now you will be let down on the planet to rescue these 3 survivors. Unfortunately you were sniped down by a Skaarj right after you landed.

New mission:

Rescue your own ass. You are in a Skaarj prison, they destroyed all your equipement. You’ll have to try to get out of the prison and find the old Vortex Rikers. If you are lucky it’s computers are still working and you can send a message to your mothership, so they can come rescue you….

NOTE: Both UMOD and NON-UMOD versions are available.

Download Operation Na Pali 1.3 (.umod version)

Version: 1.3

158.9 MiB
Package Contents
154.6 MiB
Package Contents

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